Ground Rules, Please Read!

Since the purpose of this Blog is to have a civil discussion regarding politics, a few ground rules should be set. Please make note of these rules before attempting to post a comment:

1. All comments are subject to review by both contributors (just like the nuclear launch, we both must turn our keys and there is no tiebreaker)

2. The best way to have your comment posted is to include substance and leave out inappropriate comments.

3. When commenting, please refrain from personal and partisan attacks; these will not be published

4. Keep it short- if you would like a response from either of us, simply post a question or at most a short paragraph.

5. Your comment should add value to this discussion, if it doesn't it will not be published.

6. Comments may be longer if you are using quoted facts and citing them, but keep the true comment on the short side. As with any civil conversations, facts that are correctly cited carry much more weight. It's hard for either of us to deny a cited fact and not post it.

Also, if you read something that gets you fired up, that is great. Take a moment or day to breathe and then write out a well thought out comment. It will be much more likely to be published.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

STOP the madness!

Guess what- People can disagree on politics and its ok. This blog was created with thought that most of your friends may not agree with your political view points and there is nothing wrong with that- you can still be friends believe it or not. In fact- politics can actually be a fun topic of conversation if it doesn't get heated to the point where people are offended that someone dares to disagree with them. That is why we started this blog. To bring people from all political backgrounds to an open forum discussion and bring a sense of civility to the conversation. ENJOY!


UWMouthpiece said...

I hope this doesn't get nasty...haha!!

Anonymous said...

haha, this is kinda funny. I love talking politics with George because we think opposite on some things, and exactly the same on other topics.. we're definitely on opposite ends but never get heated.. it's really nice because most people lose it once someone says universal health care or ANWR. keep on writing!